Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Reservations (airline)

Reservations (airline)
Reservations clerk: ABC Airways, Good morning. May I help you?
Mr. Ueda: Yes, do you have any flights to Berlin next Tuesday afternoon?
Reservations clerk: One moment, please... Yes. There´s a flight at 5:30 pm and one at 7:00 pm.
Mr. Ueda: That´s fine. Could you tell me how much a return flight costs? I´ll be staying there for three weeks.
Reservations clerk: Economy, business class or first class ticket?
Mr. Ueda: Economy, please.
Reservations clerk: That would be 1700 dollars.
Mr. Ueda: OK. Could I make a reservation?
Reservations clerk:: Certainly. Which flight would you like?
Mr. Ueda: The 5:30 pm, please.
Reservations clerk: Could I have your name, please?
Mr. Ueda: My name is John Ueda, that´s J-O-H-N U-E-D-A.
Reservations clerk: How would you like to pay, Mr. Ueda?
Mr. Ueda: Can I pay at the check-in desk when I pick up my ticket?
Reservations clerk:: Yes, but you will have to confirm this reservation at least two hours before departure time.
Mr. Ueda: I see.
Reservations clerk: Now you have been booked, Mr. Ueda. The flight leaves at 5:30 pm, and your arrival in Berlin will be at 3:30 a.m., local time. The flight number is ABC123.
Mr. Ueda: Thank you.

Confirmation of flight reservation
Reservations clerk: ABC Airways. Can I help you?
Mr. Ueda: Hello. I´d like to confirm my flight, please.
Reservations clerk:: May I have your name and flight number, please?
Mr. Ueda: My name is John Ueda and my flight number is ABC123.
Reservations clerk:: When are you leaving?
Mr. Ueda: On March 9th.
Reservations clerk: And your destination?
Mr. Ueda: Berlin.
Reservations clerk: Hold the line, please. (...) All right. Your seat is confirmed, Mr. Ueda. You´ll be arriving in Berlin at 3:30 am. local time.
Mr. Ueda: Thank you. Can I pick up my ticket when I check in?
Reservations clerk:Yes, but please check in at least one hour before departure time.



Reservations clerk: ABC Airways, good morning. May I help you?
Reservations clerk: One moment, please... Yes. There´s a flight at 3:30pm and one at 7:30 pm.
Reservations clerk: Economy, business class or first class ticket?
Reservations clerk: That would be 2000 dollars.
Reservations clerk: Certainly. Which flight would you like?
Reservations clerk: Could I have your name, please?
Reservations clerk: How would you like to pay?
Reservations clerk: Yes, but you will have to confirm this reservation at least two hours before departure time.
Reservations clerk: Now you have been booked. The flight leaves at ___, and your arrival in ___ will be at ____ a.m., local time. The flight number is ABC456.


Reservations clerk: ABC Airways. Can I help you?
Reservations clerk: May I have your name and flight number, please?
Reservations clerk: When are you leaving?
Reservations clerk: And your destination?
Reservations clerk: Hold the line, please. All right. Your seat is confirmed, You´ll be arriving in _____ at _____ local time.
Reservations clerk: Yes, but please check in at least one hour before departure time.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Dialogue: Airport English

Pronunciation Practice: Passport
Conference Meeting

Immigration officer: Welcome to London. May I see your passport please?

You: Sure. Here it is.

Immigration officer: Where are you coming from?

You: I'm coming from Tokyo, Japan.

Immigration officer:What is the purpose of your visit?

You: I'm here on business.

Immigration officer: How long are you planning to stay?

You: I'll be staying for three weeks.

Immigration officer: Where will you be staying?

You: I'll be staying at a hotel.

Immigration officer: What is the name of the hotel?

You: ABC Hotel.

Immigration officer:Have you ever been to London before?

You: No, this is my first time.

Immigration officer: Do you have anything to declare?

You: None.

Immigration officer:Enjoy your stay.

You: Thank you.
Practice Dialogue: Choose from the following: 
Paris, Los Angeles, Singapore, Toronto, Japan, Manila, Malaysia
Vacation, Business trip, Conference meeting
Hotel, ABC Hotel, XYZ Hotel,
None, 3 bottles of Wine, 6 cans of beer 

Immigration officer:Welcome to _______. May I see your passport please?

You: _________.

Immigration officer: Where are you coming from?

You: I'm coming from ________.

Immigration officer: What is the purpose of your visit?

You: I'm here on ________.

Immigration officer: How long are you planning to stay?

You: I'll be staying for _______.

Immigration officer: Where will you be staying?

You: I'll be staying at a _____.

Immigration officer: What is the name of the ______?

You: _______.

Immigration officer:Have you ever been to London before?

You: _________________.

Immigration officer: Do you have anything to declare?

You: ________.

Immigration officer: Enjoy your stay.

You: ________.


Checking In the Airport 
  1. Good morning. Can I have your ticket, please?
  2. Here you are.
  1. Thank you. Would you like smoking or non-smoking?
  2. Non-smoking, please.
  1. Would you like a window or an aisle seat?
  2. An aisle seat, please.
  1. Do you have any baggage?
  2. Yes, this suitcase and this carry-on bag.
  1. Here's your boarding pass. Have a nice flight.
  2. Thank you.
Passport Control
  1. Good morning. Can I see your passport?
  2. Here you are.
  1. Thank you very much. Are you a tourist or on business?
  2. I'm a tourist.
  1. That's fine. Have a pleasant stay.
  2. Thank you.

At the airport

Keiko: Passport and boarding pass, please.
Sam: Here is my passport, and my ticket.
Keiko: Where are you headed today?
Sam: I am going to London for a conference.
Keiko: How long will you be staying.
Sam: For five days.
Keiko: Thank you. How many bags are you bringing today, sir?
Sam: I want to check the large suitcase, and I want to carry the smaller one on with me.
Keiko: I will weigh them. Everything is fine. What seat would you like: window or aisle?
Sam: Window, please.
Keiko: No problem. And what do you want for your meal? Chicken or fish?
Sam: I would like fish, please.
Keiko: Good. Your seat is reserved. You can go to gate B 11.
Keiko: Thank you. Goodbye.