Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Reservations (airline)

Reservations (airline)
Reservations clerk: ABC Airways, Good morning. May I help you?
Mr. Ueda: Yes, do you have any flights to Berlin next Tuesday afternoon?
Reservations clerk: One moment, please... Yes. There´s a flight at 5:30 pm and one at 7:00 pm.
Mr. Ueda: That´s fine. Could you tell me how much a return flight costs? I´ll be staying there for three weeks.
Reservations clerk: Economy, business class or first class ticket?
Mr. Ueda: Economy, please.
Reservations clerk: That would be 1700 dollars.
Mr. Ueda: OK. Could I make a reservation?
Reservations clerk:: Certainly. Which flight would you like?
Mr. Ueda: The 5:30 pm, please.
Reservations clerk: Could I have your name, please?
Mr. Ueda: My name is John Ueda, that´s J-O-H-N U-E-D-A.
Reservations clerk: How would you like to pay, Mr. Ueda?
Mr. Ueda: Can I pay at the check-in desk when I pick up my ticket?
Reservations clerk:: Yes, but you will have to confirm this reservation at least two hours before departure time.
Mr. Ueda: I see.
Reservations clerk: Now you have been booked, Mr. Ueda. The flight leaves at 5:30 pm, and your arrival in Berlin will be at 3:30 a.m., local time. The flight number is ABC123.
Mr. Ueda: Thank you.

Confirmation of flight reservation
Reservations clerk: ABC Airways. Can I help you?
Mr. Ueda: Hello. I´d like to confirm my flight, please.
Reservations clerk:: May I have your name and flight number, please?
Mr. Ueda: My name is John Ueda and my flight number is ABC123.
Reservations clerk:: When are you leaving?
Mr. Ueda: On March 9th.
Reservations clerk: And your destination?
Mr. Ueda: Berlin.
Reservations clerk: Hold the line, please. (...) All right. Your seat is confirmed, Mr. Ueda. You´ll be arriving in Berlin at 3:30 am. local time.
Mr. Ueda: Thank you. Can I pick up my ticket when I check in?
Reservations clerk:Yes, but please check in at least one hour before departure time.



Reservations clerk: ABC Airways, good morning. May I help you?
Reservations clerk: One moment, please... Yes. There´s a flight at 3:30pm and one at 7:30 pm.
Reservations clerk: Economy, business class or first class ticket?
Reservations clerk: That would be 2000 dollars.
Reservations clerk: Certainly. Which flight would you like?
Reservations clerk: Could I have your name, please?
Reservations clerk: How would you like to pay?
Reservations clerk: Yes, but you will have to confirm this reservation at least two hours before departure time.
Reservations clerk: Now you have been booked. The flight leaves at ___, and your arrival in ___ will be at ____ a.m., local time. The flight number is ABC456.


Reservations clerk: ABC Airways. Can I help you?
Reservations clerk: May I have your name and flight number, please?
Reservations clerk: When are you leaving?
Reservations clerk: And your destination?
Reservations clerk: Hold the line, please. All right. Your seat is confirmed, You´ll be arriving in _____ at _____ local time.
Reservations clerk: Yes, but please check in at least one hour before departure time.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Dialogue: Airport English

Pronunciation Practice: Passport
Conference Meeting

Immigration officer: Welcome to London. May I see your passport please?

You: Sure. Here it is.

Immigration officer: Where are you coming from?

You: I'm coming from Tokyo, Japan.

Immigration officer:What is the purpose of your visit?

You: I'm here on business.

Immigration officer: How long are you planning to stay?

You: I'll be staying for three weeks.

Immigration officer: Where will you be staying?

You: I'll be staying at a hotel.

Immigration officer: What is the name of the hotel?

You: ABC Hotel.

Immigration officer:Have you ever been to London before?

You: No, this is my first time.

Immigration officer: Do you have anything to declare?

You: None.

Immigration officer:Enjoy your stay.

You: Thank you.
Practice Dialogue: Choose from the following: 
Paris, Los Angeles, Singapore, Toronto, Japan, Manila, Malaysia
Vacation, Business trip, Conference meeting
Hotel, ABC Hotel, XYZ Hotel,
None, 3 bottles of Wine, 6 cans of beer 

Immigration officer:Welcome to _______. May I see your passport please?

You: _________.

Immigration officer: Where are you coming from?

You: I'm coming from ________.

Immigration officer: What is the purpose of your visit?

You: I'm here on ________.

Immigration officer: How long are you planning to stay?

You: I'll be staying for _______.

Immigration officer: Where will you be staying?

You: I'll be staying at a _____.

Immigration officer: What is the name of the ______?

You: _______.

Immigration officer:Have you ever been to London before?

You: _________________.

Immigration officer: Do you have anything to declare?

You: ________.

Immigration officer: Enjoy your stay.

You: ________.


Checking In the Airport 
  1. Good morning. Can I have your ticket, please?
  2. Here you are.
  1. Thank you. Would you like smoking or non-smoking?
  2. Non-smoking, please.
  1. Would you like a window or an aisle seat?
  2. An aisle seat, please.
  1. Do you have any baggage?
  2. Yes, this suitcase and this carry-on bag.
  1. Here's your boarding pass. Have a nice flight.
  2. Thank you.
Passport Control
  1. Good morning. Can I see your passport?
  2. Here you are.
  1. Thank you very much. Are you a tourist or on business?
  2. I'm a tourist.
  1. That's fine. Have a pleasant stay.
  2. Thank you.

At the airport

Keiko: Passport and boarding pass, please.
Sam: Here is my passport, and my ticket.
Keiko: Where are you headed today?
Sam: I am going to London for a conference.
Keiko: How long will you be staying.
Sam: For five days.
Keiko: Thank you. How many bags are you bringing today, sir?
Sam: I want to check the large suitcase, and I want to carry the smaller one on with me.
Keiko: I will weigh them. Everything is fine. What seat would you like: window or aisle?
Sam: Window, please.
Keiko: No problem. And what do you want for your meal? Chicken or fish?
Sam: I would like fish, please.
Keiko: Good. Your seat is reserved. You can go to gate B 11.
Keiko: Thank you. Goodbye.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Asking the Concierge for Restaurant Advice


A: I need a suggestion for a restaurant here in Manhattan.
B: Certainly! How much are you planning to spend on dinner, sir?
A: My date's very sophisticated, so I'm sure she would expect nothing but the best.
B: May I suggest our own hotel restaurant? It got three stars in the latest restaurant review.
A: No, thank you, I want to go out on the town. What other ideas do you have?
B: There's always Gramercy Tavern. They have live jazz. The food is delicious, but very expensive.
A: That sounds like a good place to take a date. Can you make a reservation for me?
B: As you wish, sir. You'll have a wonderful time there.


A: Can you tell me about a nice restaurant to go to?
B: Of course! How much would you like to spend on your meal?
A: My date is quite sophisticated. She would expect nothing less than the best.
B: Well, how about our own hotel restaurant? It's conveniently located and has a three-star rating.
A: That's a good idea, except I want to go out, not stay in. Something else, maybe?
B: Well, how about Gramercy Tavern? It's a very popular tourist spot, with great food and music.
A: That sounds good! Could you call them to see if I can get a reservation?
B: Of course, sir. You've made a good choice.


A: So, now I need your help again, if you don't mind. I'm taking a date to a restaurant.
B: I'd love to help you! What is your budget for the dinner?
A: She strikes me as being very sophisticated. Only the best will do for her.
B: Well, what do you think about our very own hotel restaurant? It is very upscale, with a three-star rating.
A: I don't want to be cooped up in my own hotel tonight. How about another restaurant?
B: The Gramercy Tavern is highly rated. It has great food and live jazz, but it's not cheap.
A: Yes, that sounds like a winner. Would you please call them to reserve a table?
B: I'm already dialing, sir.


A: I'm taking a date to a restaurant, so could you please direct me to a good one?
B: But of course! How much are you thinking of spending on dinner?
A: She deserves nothing but the best, of course.
B: In that case, I would suggest our own hotel restaurant. The chef, the food, and the service are outstanding.
A: I promised her I would take her out to a restaurant. Do you have another one in mind?
B: You can always go to Gramercy Tavern. It's quite popular, despite its expensive entrees.
A: Great food and lots of patrons? What more could I want? Please reserve a table for me.
B: Yes, sir. You're going to have a great time.


A: I'm taking my date to a restaurant. Could you tell me about one or two good ones?
B: My pleasure! How much would you like to spend on your date?
A: She will want an excellent restaurant, of course.
B: You should know that our hotel chef was trained in Paris. The service and food are world-class.
A: I wanted to go out somewhere, not stay here. Do you know of another good restaurant?
B: You can't go wrong with Gramercy Tavern. It's famous for its food, service, and live jazz.
A: I like that! Could you please call them to see if we can get in tonight?
B: At once, sir. You'll love this place, I assure you.


A: Well, I've got a date. Now I need to find a restaurant. Can you help me?
B: No problem, of course! How much would you like to spend to impress the lady?
A: Nothing but the best for a pretty woman!
B: Sir, the restaurant you seek is right here. This hotel has a three-star restaurant.
A: I sort of suggested that we would go out on the town. Do you have another suggestion?
B: Gramercy Tavern is at least as good as our own hotel restaurant. Plus, they have live jazz.
A: Gramercy Tavern? I think I've heard of that before. Call to get us a table, okay?
B: Right away, sir. She will be impressed with your local knowledge.

Copyright © 2013. All rights reserved.

Asking the Concierge for Sightseeing Advice


A: The front desk told me to ask you for sightseeing advice.
B: Of course. I'd be more than happy to help. I am, after all, the hotel's concierge.
A: Concierge? What exactly is that?
B: We advise you on where to visit, eat, or shop during your stay here in New York.
A: Great! So where should I start my sightseeing?
B: The Statue of Liberty is always a good place to begin.
A: I saw the Statue of Liberty on my last visit here. Can you recommend somewhere else?
B: Hmm. What type of interests do you have?
A: In my spare time, I really like to view art and go running.
B: Aha! Have you been to Central Park or the Museum of Modern Art?
A: No, but I've heard a lot about both.
B: Well, Central Park is wonderful for running. Afterwards, you should head to the Museum to enjoy the art.
A: Great! That sounds like a plan. Thanks a lot.
B: I'm sure you'll have a good time there.


A: I was told to see you about going sightseeing.
B: It's my pleasure. I'm the hotel's concierge, at your service.
A: Concierge? Could you explain that to me?
B: We help direct hotel visitors to popular places to visit, eat, and shop.
A: Very good. So where shall I begin my sightseeing?
B: I would suggest the Statue of Liberty.
A: Gee, I've already seen the Statue of Liberty. What about another site?
B: Let me see. What do you like to do in your spare time?
A: I really like to run. And I like art.
B: Well, there you go! Have you ever visited either Central Park or the Museum of Modern Art?
A: No, but I've been meaning to.
B: Well, Central Park is fantastic for running. Then you can go to the Museum to look at the beautiful art.
A: That sounds like a great plan. I'll do that.
B: Enjoy your run and your visit!


A: I need some sightseeing advice.
B: That's what I'm here for, sir. Every good hotel has a concierge like me.
A: I don't travel a lot. What exactly is a concierge?
B: A concierge helps visitors like you find great places to visit, shop, and eat.
A: That's great! So tell me, where should I go first?
B: I'd suggest that you start at the Statue of Liberty.
A: You know, I've already been there. Can you suggest another place?
B: Maybe. Tell me what you like to do in your spare time.
A: When I have some free time, I often spend it running or at museums.
B: Well, have you ever been to either Central Park or the Museum of Modern Art?
A: No, but I sure would like to.
B: Central Park is great for just about everything outdoors. Then you can visit the Museum of Modern Art.
A: Both places sound great. I'll try to do that today.
B: Enjoy the views at both places.


A: I'm going sightseeing, but I'd like to get your advice first.
B: I'm only too happy to help. Tourists should always check with their concierge first.
A: Concierge? I'm not familiar with that word.
B: A concierge directs visitors to the city's great tourist, shopping, and eating places.
A: That sounds great. Now, is there any place that I should hit first?
B: Well, if you're like most people, you'll want to go to the Statue of Liberty.
A: I've already seen it, I loved it, but today I want to go somewhere else.
B: Sure! Tell me about your interests.
A: I like to run and I like to see the works of the masters.
B: You'll get along fabulously at Central Park and the Museum of Modern Art! Have you been to either?
A: No, I just haven't had the opportunity.
B: You'll love Central Park for running. Later on, you can go to the Museum of Modern Art.
A: Thank you. That's what I'll do.
B: This might be the best day of your visit.


A: I need some sightseeing advice. I was told to come to see you.
B: As your concierge, it is my pleasure to help you, sir.
A: Concierge? Are we speaking English here?
B: A concierge helps you find all the great places for visiting, shopping, and eating.
A: What would you suggest that I visit first?
B: How about starting at the Statue of Liberty? Many people like to begin there.
A: The last time I was here, I visited the Statue. So do you have another place in mind?
B: I think so. Tell me what interests you.
A: I'm big on running, although maybe I like art even more than running.
B: Then you must go to Central Park and the Museum of Modern Art! Have you been to either one?
A: No. I haven't had a chance to go to either of them.
B: Both places are usually crowded with natives and tourists. You'll love the Park and the Museum.
A: Thank you. That's great advice.
B: This might be the best day of your visit.


A: Can you give me some advice about going sightseeing?
B: Your concierge, sir, is the right person to ask when you need sightseeing advice.
A: What in the world is a concierge?
B: We direct visitors to all the great tourist, shopping, and eating spots in the city.
A: Then what would you recommend as a starting point for my sightseeing?
B: Definitely the Statue of Liberty. I think that that is everyone's favorite first stop.
A: Actually, I've already been there twice. Do you have another suggestion?
B: I think I can come up with something. How do you spend your spare time?
A: I keep my body healthy by running and my mind active by visiting museums.
B: Well, the Museum of Modern Art and Central Park were made for you! Have you gone to either one?
A: No, although I've heard great things about both of them.
B: You don't want to miss either place. Central Park and the Museum of Modern Art are big and beautiful.
A: Sounds great! I'll get my running gear and then I'm out of here.
B: This is a day you're going to remember for a long time.

Disputing the Bill



A: My amenities bill says that I owe $10 for a movie, but I never ordered one.
B: Let's see. It says that you were charged Monday at 9:00 p.m. for the movie "Titanic."
A: That's absolutely wrong! I was out exploring the city Monday night.
B: Okay, let me see what I can do.
A: Thank you. I didn't think it would be this simple.
B: I can take the $10 off your bill, but I need to charge you $2 for the service.
A: Are you serious? I have to pay $2 for a movie I never watched?
B: Unfortunately, sir, it's how the computer is programmed.
A: This is outrageous! I'm never coming back to this hotel again!
B: I'm sorry, sir. Perhaps you'd like to write a letter to headquarters.


A: I just discovered that I owe $10 for a movie that I never ordered.
B: Let me check, sir. You were charged for watching "Titanic" Monday night.
A: That is absolutely incorrect! I was out on the town Monday night.
B: Okay, sir, bear with me a moment.
A: Thank you for taking my word over the computer's word.
B: One slight problem, sir. I need to charge you $2 to remove this error from your file.
A: You can't be serious. You're making me pay $2 for a movie I never watched?
B: I feel your pain, sir.
A: Absolutely unbelievable! You people should be ashamed of yourselves.
B: I agree with you, sir, but all I do is work here.


A: You guys are charging me $10 for a movie that I never ordered or saw.
B: Let's see, sir. According to your file, you watched "Titanic" Monday evening.
A: The wrong information is in my file. I was at a concert Monday night.
B: Well, your word overrules the file, sir. One moment, please.
A: I knew you'd see it my way.
B: Sir, I deleted the $10, but I had to add a $2 service charge to your bill.
A: Am I in the Twilight Zone? You're charging me for a movie I never saw?
B: Please don't blame me, sir. Blame the computer programmer.
A: This is highway robbery. I've got a good mind to call the police!
B: If it makes you feel any better, other guests feel the same way.


A: Why am I being charged $10 for a movie that I never ordered?
B: Sir, according to your file, you spent Monday evening watching "Titanic."
A: The file is wrong. I was at a great concert that night.
B: Well, this wouldn't be the first time that a file was wrong. Just a moment, please.
A: Thank you for taking care of it so quickly.
B: Sir, when I deleted the $10, the program automatically added a $2 service charge.
A: You can't do that! You can't charge me for a mistake that you made!
B: Sometimes you can't win for losing, sir.
A: Now I've seen it all! What a rip-off this place is!
B: I don't blame you, sir. Two dollars is a lot of money.


A: I need to know why I'm being charged $10 for a movie that I never ordered.
B: Hmm. Your file shows that you watched "Titanic" Monday night.
A: Monday night? Monday night I was at a great concert.
B: Well, as they say, garbage in, garbage out. Let me correct this error, please.
A: Thank you. It's very nice when problems can be solved quickly.
B: When I deleted the $10, the computer automatically added a $2 service charge.
A: Are you crazy? You made the mistake and now you're charging me for your mistake?
B: Sir, if it makes you feel any better, the $2 service fee used to be $5.
A: Why don't you just stick a gun in my ribs and take everything I have?
B: Unfortunately, sir, you'll have to pay the $2, whether you like it or not.

Checking Out


A: I am checking out. Here is the key to my room.
B: Thank you. I'll just print out your receipt, and then you're free to go. Here you go!
A: Thanks.
B: If you don't mind me asking, how did you enjoy your stay at New York Hotel?
A: This hotel could use some insecticide, but my time in New York was thoroughly delightful.
B: That's very honest of you. Rest assured that this hotel will have no insects next time.


A: I want to check out. Here is my room key.
B: One second, sir, while I print out your receipt. Here you are.
A: Thanks.
B: May I ask, sir, if you enjoyed your stay?
A: Except for one night, I enjoyed the hotel. And I loved New York, of course.
B: Thank you for your honesty. I assure you there will be no cockroaches next time.


A: I'm leaving. Here is my key.
B: Just one second, sir, and I'll give you your receipt. Here you go.
A: Thank you very much.
B: Sir, did you enjoy your stay here?
A: Most of my time here was pleasant. And New York itself is fantastic.
B: I'm glad you enjoyed the city, anyway. But please don't think too unkindly of us.


A: I'm out of here. Here's my key.
B: Give me just a few seconds, sir, and I'll hand you your receipt. Here you are.
A: I thank you.
B: I hope you enjoyed your stay, sir.
A: I only had nine little problems here. Other than that, I enjoyed my stay, and I loved the city.
B: I apologize again for the cockroaches, sir. I hope you have a nice trip home.


A: My stay is over. Here's the key to my room.
B: Thank you. And here's your receipt, sir.
A: Many thanks.
B: I hope your stay here was satisfactory, sir.
A: This could be a great hotel, once you get rid of the insects. The city itself is great.
B: I'm glad that the little problem didn't ruin your visit. Please have a pleasant trip home.


A: This visit is over for me. Here's your room key.
B: Thank you for that, and in return, here's your receipt.
A: And thanks to you.
B: I hope you'll visit us again, sir.
A: I'd be willing to try this hotel again, if you can promise me no more cockroaches.
B: I guarantee you that our little “friends” won't be back. I hope your trip home is pleasant.

Getting a Taxi via the Front Desk


A: I need to get a taxi.
B: We have a variety of transportation services. Would you prefer a private vehicle to a taxi?
A: No, that won't be necessary. I just need a taxi.
B: Perhaps you'd prefer a limousine. That's such a stylish way to travel.
A: Just a taxi, please.
B: And what is your destination?
A: I'm going to Rockefeller Center.
B: I see. What time do you want to depart from the hotel?
A: I want to leave as soon as possible.
B: Okay, a taxi will arrive in seconds, sir.
A: Thank you, I'm coming down now.
B: It won't be but a few seconds, sir.


A: I need a taxi, please.
B: We have various transportation services. Would you prefer a private vehicle?
A: No, thanks. A taxi is just fine.
B: May I suggest a limo? It's nice to pamper yourself once in a while.
A: I don't want anything except a taxi, thank you.
B: I understand. And where will you be going?
A: Rockefeller Center.
B: And what time would you like to be picked up?
A: The sooner the better.
B: A taxi will be here shortly, sir.
A: Great! And remember, a taxi, not a limo.
B: A taxi it is, sir.


A: Can you get me a taxi?
B: We offer various types of transportation. Perhaps you'd like to upgrade to a private vehicle?
A: Thanks, but no thanks. A taxi will do just fine.
B: In that case, how about a limo? Then you can travel in style.
A: No, I hate limousines. They're gas guzzlers.
B: Got it, sir. Where would you like the taxi to take you?
A: My destination is Rockefeller Center.
B: What time do you want to leave the hotel?
A: As soon as possible.
B: I'll call the taxi immediately, sir.
A: I'm coming downstairs now.
B: A brand new taxi is pulling up now, sir.


A: I'm going to need a taxi.
B: You don't have to restrict yourself to a taxi. We can offer you a private vehicle.
A: A private vehicle, huh? No, a taxi is okay.
B: Some people find a limo to be much more comfortable than a taxi.
A: No, I wouldn't be caught dead in a limo.
B: No upgrade of any kind. And where might you be going?
A: I'm headed to Rockefeller Center.
B: When shall I tell the taxi to be here?
A: Right now.
B: The taxi will be here immediately, sir.
A: Good, I'm leaving my room in about one minute.
B: You won't have to wait a second, sir.


A: I need a taxi.
B: We could easily provide you with a private vehicle, if you'd prefer.
A: No, the taxi will do.
B: Perhaps you'd like to take a beautiful limousine.
A: No, thank you. Taxis and I get along just fine.
B: No private vehicle, no limo. Got it. Where are you going?
A: I'm seeing a show at Rockefeller Center.
B: What time should the taxi be here to pick you up?
A: I'm ready to go right now.
B: I'll have a taxi for you momentarily, sir.
A: Great! As soon as I brush my teeth, I'll be downstairs.
B: You'll enjoy our new, clean taxis, sir.


A: Could you please reserve a taxi for me?
B: Do you think a private vehicle might be more to your liking?
A: A private vehicle? No, thanks, I won't need one.
B: Even better than a private vehicle is a limo. How does that sound?
A: T A X I, please.
B: A taxi it is. Where will you be headed?
A: Rockefeller Center. Can you get the taxi here immediately, please?
B: A taxi will be here in just a minute, sir.
A: Good. I'll get my coat and come downstairs.
B: The taxi will be ready when you are, sir.